Last wednesday I had a special being-spontaneous-in-London-experience. Me and my flatmate were sitting bored kitchen. So we searched on
Time Out for something to do and found out about a Florence and the Machine concert. It was already sold out but we had the feeling we could be lucky to get some tickets when we are there. So we jumped in our coats and went to The O2 Arena. Promptly we found a guy that wanted to sell his two tickets, and we made a good deal with him! We then traded these seating tickets to floor ones and had a blast! I have never experienced such a massive concert before!
The beginning made
Haim, a pop group from Los Angeles. The three sisters rocked the stage! After them, Florence and the Machine had a fascinating show, they were just amazing! By the way, lead singer Florence Welch was born and studied in Camberwell!
The Blueroom. We felt like VIP. |
After the show: Just happy! |
Some videos from the concert I found on YouTube:
♫ ♫ ♫
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