
Unit 6 6/11: Typography Appetizers III

The last task for this project was to make a modular typeface. This means to create a font only out of previously built shapes/modules.
I decided to use a quarter circle and an extended version of it:

These are only two modules, and sometimes it was quite hard to make readable letters out of it. I am pretty happy with my work so far, but want to improve some letters and create also the higher case and more symbols. After finishing the design in Illustrator, everything is going to be transferred in Fontlab and exported as an OpenType font.

Thanks to Nazareno for this project which was catching and inspiring.
I learned loads of important basics about type. To have a digitalised font that I can just use to type anything is amazing! :)


Unit 6 5/11: Cover versions

Go to the library and choose a book with interesting content but a poor cover design. The book should not be about art or design. Design a new dust jacket for your chosen book.

Wordworks: Poetry on Television, edited by Neil Astley & Mark Lavender. Different contemporary poems from Britain and Ireland which were shown in form of videos on TV before.

CRIT 1 – three drafts
My first draft deals with lines and rhythm. The title is hard to read: you need to take a closer look to understand, like often when you read a poem.
My second draft works with a picture I made out of screenshots from some of the videos I found on Youtube, layered on top of each other. It gives a poetic and deep going impression.
My third draft uses the jacket as a poster. It shows one of six quotes in the book that are used for splitting it in chapters.

CRIT 2 – revised jackets
I decided for the third draft and made different variations of this idea. One idea is a poster again, but the size is twice bigger.
The other draft clarifies the collecting character: one can choose the favourite colour or quote. Each quote starts on top of the cover but has some missing words hidden in the insight.

Ultimately six jackets were too much, complicated and senseless. So I put fragments of all six quotes on one jacket.

of all covers in our library.

Fournier Street


Dark and spooky II

Another building for Woodkid videos:
Who knows it?

Unit 6 4/11: Typography Appetizers II

After the first two tasks from Nazareno, which were accomplished only manual, we have switched to computer now. The third task was
to make a matrix typeface.


Advertisement with a "bold" variation

Waiting for the bus

My typeface (christmas is near/for mum)


Interesting work by others


Unit 6 3/11: Film project

This week we had a film project with Alex Reuben. It was asked to make a 20-90 second film about the key question "What do you want, if you don't want money?". For inspiration we watched several Anti-Ads, Subvertisments and Public information films.

I think the most important thing we all learned was how to work in a group. It was very difficult many times but in the end every group succeeded.

Nice work by others: 


Exhibition review II

Mr Brainwash
We discovered this huge exhibition spontaneously on the way. Usually the place is used as a car park. All pieces were by Mr Brainwash, who also made the film Exit Through The Giftshop.
His style reminds me of Pop Art, it is loud and colourful. Really nice!

Horniman Museum & Gardens: The Body Adorned (Dressing London)
Clothing and body modification through history until now. Very nice entertaining and informative exhibition!

Punk Graphic Design 1971 – 1984. Inspirating³! As Marina said: Let's go back to lively
human design!

Whitechapel Gallery

Mel Bochner: If the Colour Changes
Inspiring objects and many huge type paintings.

Maurizio Cattelan
Various provocating artworks, for exampe a little squirrel that has committed suicide.

Aspen Magazine
All ten complete sets of this "magazine in a box". Good texts, films, music and design beautifully put together in different packaging ideas.


Cooking Group: Czech

Martin and Teresa showed us how to cook Czech in a lighter and healthier way, with salads and Bramborak! The grater seems to be their favourite tool …

Dessert: Apple strudel!


Beatles Mania

Whilst my father visited me, I learned a lot about The Beatles!
We went to the musical Let It Be, which was a very nice time travel through their career. The most famous songs were played and everybody stood up for dancing and singing!

This portrait consists of Jelly Belly's

Furthermore we visited the famous zebra crossing on Abbey Road!

Original cover (taken from http://fstoppers.com/theshotbeforeabbeyroad)
Abbey Road Studios

Now listen and dance! :)