Go to the library and choose a book with interesting content but a poor cover design. The book should not be about art or design. Design a new dust jacket for your chosen book.
Wordworks: Poetry on Television, edited by Neil Astley & Mark Lavender. Different contemporary poems from Britain and Ireland which were shown in form of videos on TV before.
CRIT 1 – three drafts
My first draft deals with lines and rhythm. The title is hard to read: you need to take a closer look to understand, like often when you read a poem.
My second draft works with a picture I made out of screenshots from some of the videos I found on Youtube, layered on top of each other. It gives a poetic and deep going impression.
My third draft uses the jacket as a poster. It shows one of six quotes in the book that are used for splitting it in chapters.
CRIT 2 – revised jackets
I decided for the third draft and made different variations of this idea. One idea is a poster again, but the size is twice bigger.
The other draft clarifies the collecting character: one can choose the favourite colour or quote. Each quote starts on top of the cover but has some missing words hidden in the insight.
Ultimately six jackets were too much, complicated and senseless. So I put fragments of all six quotes on one jacket.
of all covers in our library.

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