
Unit 6 11/11: A Poster A Day

For the last project in Unit 6 we were asked to make 8 different posters. They all should be A2 portrait and focused on typography but with experimentation on production. During the project we got an email every morning with the new task. Below you can read the tasks and see some of the posters in bigger size.

Poster 1: For a newspaper. Create a poster from a newspaper headline.
I found this page that shows how often the same prop newspaper reccurs in films. I searched for a scan of the prop and used the original headline and picture of the girl. I screenprinted my design on newsprint.

Poster 2: For a poet. Create a poster from a line of a poem.
I chose a german poem by Goethe which is about the ginkgo tree. He writes about mirroring and duplicating which seemed to be an interesting concept for my design. After printing, I folded the poster to give the idea of a leaf.

Poster 3: For public information. Create a poster from a piece of advice that someone once gave you.
I chose an advice I give myself sometimes: Note to Self: Relax. For the production I glued sticky notes together.

Poster 4: For public information. Create a poster from a sentence explaning how to do something.
One of my favourtite books, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, is full of imagination and there are very nice ideas. I chose a sentence where it is explained how to fly. For the poster I created 3D letters in Illustrator and arranged them to look like they are flying in space.

Poster 5: For a Book. Create a poster from the first line of a book.
Again The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I made like 10000 holes with a needle, so when light falls on the back of the poster, you can read the sentence on the front. It should look like stars.

Poster 6: To change the world. Create a poster from your own political slogan.
SAVE THE FUTURE! – Stop complaining and make the world like you want it. Don't be lazy.
I painted with acrylic on fabric.

Poster 7: For someone you don't know. Create a poster from overheard conversation.

Poster 8: For a word. Create a poster from a dictionary definition.
The longest word in English is the chemical name for titin. Here is a video of someone reading it (3.5 hours).

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