
Unit 6 7/11: Poetry I

Currently we have a project with Sam Winston. He "creates sculpture, drawings and books that question our understanding of words" – in my opinion beautiful and inspirational projects! Take a look.

Our project is about poetry. We shall visualise quotations and take care that "Process, Material, Language and Design" all suit the meaning of the quote. I think it is an excercise for concept-thinking. Because we work in pairs, it also trains our group working skills.

The first quotation is the following: Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. –Scott Adams
Within four hours we had to create ANYthing. Dominika and me decided to make a folded card where the first sentence is written on the front and the second in the inside.
The word Creativity is written false (>to make mistakes), when you open the card you see the letters A, R and T left (>to keep).

And here is a nicer version with letterpress:

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